NLP TechniquesSelf Help

You are Awesome because? – Exercise

By 11th February 2013 No Comments


I was chatting to a random stranger on the train last night (as you do!) and we both commented on how often we don’t take advantage of the amazing things on our door step…that we take them for granted and sometimes even forget they are there.


For example lots people who live in Edinburgh have never been to the ‘Edinburgh tattoo’…It’s something ‘tourists’ do. I’m from Falkirk and I’ve only JUST been to the ‘Falkirk Wheel! (it’s pretty good btw:-))


Brian and I have just finished a two day NLP Practitioner refresher course in Inverary for Argyle & Bute Council. (Big shout to the A&B posse!)



Even though I’ve been there several times now the beauty of the surroundings still blows me away! I always forget and take for granted how beautiful Scotland is.



Check out the photo of the view from our breakfast room…Amazing!






How often do we do this with ourselves. It’s so easy to take your own talents for granted.


I don’t know about you but it was always driven into me from a young age ‘not to boast’. I can still hear my Dad saying “No-one likes a boaster son!” 🙂


While it’s obviously not particularly attractive to go around telling people how amazing you are every minute of the day, I do think we internalize this way too much. We take our own ‘awesomeness’ for granted.


So I’d like to flip this round a bit…There is absolutely nothing wrong with boasting!…provided it’s done on the inside.


In fact, a lot of the time, the more you recognise your value on the inside the more you don’t necessarily need to validate it on the outside.


Here’s a quick game I like to play…It’s called ‘I am Awesome because?’


It’s a really simple game…Take a piece of paper and a pen (Or your I-Pad!) and write down – ‘I am awesome because?’


Allow the question to resonate inside…see where it takes your attention and let it sink deep…then, when answers start to naturally come, write them down.


Let it come more from your heart than your head and keep asking it for at least ten minutes…you might be surprised by some of the answers and by how absolutely awesome you feel after doing it 🙂


Because……..You are awesome…what is not taking yourself for granted really like?


All the best
